How to Upgrade Cloudlinux 7 to 8 force


If you consider security, performance, and long-term support, you should do the cloudlinux 7 to 8 force upgrade. To upgrade cloudlinux 7 to 8 forces, we need to implement some technical prerequisites in our system, which we will describe in full in this tutorial. So read the following steps from Neuron VM‘s website and enjoy upgrading the power in your systems!

Cloudlinux 7 to 8 force update steps in full

How to upgrade cloudlinux 7 to 8 force

There are two steps to update, one is before starting the update and it is necessary to do it to avoid the possibility of system failure:

Step 1: Pre-Upgrade Steps

1- Back up databases, files, and configuration files. For this action, you can use tools such as `rsync’ and `cpanel backup’ so as not to endanger your information in the system.

2- Check the compatibility of the programs and platforms you are currently using on the system with the installation steps you want to proceed with.

3- Update your system with bellow line:

yum update

Step 2: Upgrade Process

1- Install epel-release and Make sure Additional Packages for Enterprise Linux (EPEL) are set. Do this with the following line:

yum install epel-release

2- Install the cldeploy tool created by Cloud Linux to help upgrade the system:

yum install -y cldeploy

3- Now all you have to do is Run the Upgrade Script and wait for all the steps to work by themselves:

cldeploy -u

4- After launch, we need to check the firmware version to make sure it works and is compatible with other platforms. So do this by entering the following command:

cat /etc/*release


Sticking with an older version may lead to compatibility issues and make it difficult to use newer software. For this reason, I recommend you upgrade cloudlinux 7 to 8 force using this educational article. In case of any technical problems, you can contact the online support of our educational department. Do not forget to rate our article!

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