How to Reset Windows 10 Password Without Logging In​

How to Reset Windows 10 Password Without Logging In​

One of the things that many users face, especially when forgetting the password, which becomes an obstacle to accessing important information and files is to reset the Windows 10 password without logging in.  In today’s world where dependence on technology and computer systems increases daily, one of the common challenges of Windows 10 users is forgetting the password, which can easily disrupt access to important information and files. This post will explore various methods that allow users to reset their Windows 10 password without logging in. By providing practical and step-by-step solutions, we aim to help you solve this problem and keep your information.

Reset Windows 10 Password Without Logging In

Windows password reset without logging in allows Windows users to regain control of their accounts and continue to use their system effectively. To reset the Windows 10 password, To reset Windows 10 password without logging in, you can use the following:

Method 1: Activate a Password Reset Disk

To create a password reset disk for a password reset, we need to pay attention to the requirements to make sure it can work:

  • Make a password reset Disk

Insert the password reset disk into your computer.

In the Start Search bar, type “Create Password Reset Disk” and click on Next.

Make a password reset Disk - part 1

Find the disk in the menu and tap on Next.

Make a password reset Disk - part 2

Insert the current password and tap on Next.

Make a password reset Disk - part 3

To finish the process, click on Next.

Make a password reset Disk - part 4

  • Reset Password with Reset Disk

Place the disk into your computer and tap on Reset Password.

Reset Password with Reset Disk - part 1

Hit Next.

Reset Password with Reset Disk - part 2

Fill in the following field and tap on Next.

Reset Password with Reset Disk - part 3

Tap on Finish to end the process and log in with the new password.

Reset Password with Reset Disk - part 4

Method 2: Use Cmd

Commands may be challenging to use for Windows users, as they will not work when typed incorrectly. The following steps show how to use CMD to reset Windows 10 password:

Restart your computer and tap on the Start button. Hold down the F8 key until you see the Windows logo.  Retry by holding off until the Windows logon prompt is visible, then turning off and restarting your computer.

When the Advanced Options screen, select the option shown in the image below:

Reset Password with cmd - part 1

Type the commands below:

• cd windows\system32
• ren sethc.exe sethc01.exe
•  cmd.exe sethc.exe

Then type the wpeutil reboot to reboot your computer. Then, when the password entry screen reappears, hold the Shift key down to open the command prompt.

Fill in the net user username password and hit Enter.

Reset Password with cmd - part 2

Method 3: With Startup 

The Startup helps to reset Windows 10 passwords, But this method will erase data, programs, or settings on your computer, so it is suitable for computers that are hardly used or are almost new:

Go to the Power button click on Restart and press on Shift.

From the Choose an Option screen, select Troubleshoot.

Reset Password with Startup- part 1

Finally, click on the option below.

Reset Password with Startup- part 2

Reasons to Reset Windows 10 Password Without Logging In​

There are several reasons why you may need to reset your Windows 10 password without logging in, including the following:

  • Forgotten Password

If users are not logged in for a long time, they forget their passwords and this prevents them from accessing important files and programs.

  • Account Locked

The system may be locked due to multiple failed login attempts, in which case we need to reset the password to regain access.

  • Password Reset Disk Failure

Since most users do not create a password reset disk beforehand, they need to rely on alternative methods to reset their passwords.

  • Account Type Boundaries

For Local accounts, it is necessary to use tools to methods that do not require logging in because it is more limited compared to Microsoft accounts.

  • System Errors

Updates or system errors are other reasons that can prevent users from logging in. so a password reset is required to troubleshoot and regain access.

  • Safety Purposes

To quickly secure a compromised account, a password reset without logging in can be useful.

  • Data Recovery Requests

When a user needs immediate access to their system to recover information, a password reset without logging in can be used.

Reasons to Reset Windows 10 Password Without Logging In​


Various factors can cause you to not have access to your password and you need to find your password without logging into the system. The methods mentioned above have been collected and reviewed to teach you how to reset your Windows 10 password without logging into the system. Start now and secure your system and if you find trouble in logging in, use these methods to retrieve your password!

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