How to Install MinGW on Windows 10

How to Install MinGW on Windows 10
NeuronVM Content Writer

MinGW (Minimalist GNU for Windows) is a development environment for creating programs on Windows. It provides a collection of essential development tools, including a GNU Compiler Collection (GCC), which allows you to compile and build various software applications. This comprehensive guide will walk you through the steps to install MinGW on Windows 10, enabling you to start developing your own software projects.


The hardware requirements for installing MinGW on Windows 10 are relatively low. Here are the minimum recommended specifications:

– Processor: 1 GHz or faster

– RAM: 1 GB or higher

– Hard Drive Space: 16 GB or more

– Display: 800×600 resolution or higher

– Graphics Card: DirectX 9 or later with WDDM 1.0 driver

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Step.1: Download the MinGW Installation Manager

Open your web browser and navigate to the MinGW website.

To download the file like the image, click on Download Latest Version:

download mingw

Go to the place where you downloaded the MinGW file:

mingw downloaded file

Step.2: Setting up the MinGW on Windows 10

Click to “Run” to install MinGW on Windows 10:

run mingw

Click on the “Install” button to start the installation process:

mingw installation manager - install MinGW on Windows 10

In this section, you can specify the installation directory. After making the desired settings, click on “Continue“:

mingw installation directory

You can see the download progress in the window below. Wait for the download to finish and then click “Continue“:

mingw installation progress

In the Installation Manager window, select the “Basic setup” package from the list of available packages.

Review the list and make sure the following components are selected: mingw32-base, mingw32-gcc-g++, msys-base, and any other components you may require for your specific development needs.

Click on the “Mark for Installation” option to select it:

basic setup of mingw  -install MinGW on Windows 10


a basic msys installation - install MinGW on Windows 10

In the following window, click on “Review Changes“:

mingw action requires confirmation

Click on “Apply“:

mingw schedule of pending action

The Installation Manager will now download and install the selected components to your computer. Wait for the installation process to complete. This may take some time depending on your internet connection and the selected components’ size. At the end, click on “Close“:

applying schediled changes in mingw - install MinGW on Windows 10

You have successfully installed MinGW. You are now prepared to proceed with the installation of Eclipse.

Should you come across any queries or difficulties during the installation, feel free to leave them in the comments section for our assistance.


By following this comprehensive guide, you should now have MinGW successfully installed on your Windows 10 system. You can now start utilizing its powerful development environment for building and compiling various software applications. Remember to refer to the MinGW documentation and tutorials to further explore the features and capabilities it offers. Happy coding!

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NeuronVM Content Writer

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