How to Install AlmaLinux on VirtualBox

NeuronVM Content Writer

Are you looking to explore AlmaLinux? It is free and open-sourced and a great alternative to CentOS. if you don’t want to disturb your system, learn How to Install AlmaLinux on VirtualBox so you can enjoy exploring AlmaLinux without disturbing your current system.

How to Install AlmaLinux on VirtualBox

Whether you’re a developer, system administrator, or a Linux fan, installing AlmaLinux on VirtualBox is an excellent way to test its features. In this article, we will walk you through the entire process of installing AlmaLinux on VirtualBox. No matter if you are an advanced user or you don’t know anything about tech at all, you will enjoy this user-friendly tutorial. Visit our website for more advanced and un-advanced tutorials.

Installing AlmaLinuux on VirtualBox


  • VirtualBox installed on your system
  • RAM Minimum 4 GB
  • Storage Minimum 20 GB

follow the provided steps individually to achieve your goal and explore AlmaLinux on VirtualBox.

Download AlmaLinux

1-For the first step, you need to download the AlmaLinux DVD ISO file, which is available on their main website. To do that, click on the provided link and select the Download option.

Download Alma Linux

2-In the new tab, you can choose any of the provided options, but we recommend choosing the one that is shown in the image. Pay attention to the fact that each supported architecture on their main website contains a DVD.

choose the first option and start downloading AlmaLinux

Start your VirtualBox

3-After the Download is completed, go to the Start tab, search for the Oracle VM VirtualBox, and select it then choose new to continue.

search for the Oracle VM VirtualBox, and select it to continue

4-You will need to name your Virtual Machine and make sure to select Linux for the type of operating system and press Next to continue.

choose a name for your virtual machine and change the type to Linux

5-You can modify the Virtual machine’s hardware by changing the settings of Base memory and processor.

Note: The settings provided in the image are ideal for starting.

change base memory and Processor

6-In Virtual Hard Disk Settings, change the Disk size to 50,00 GB and click on Next to continue.

change the Disk size to 50,00 GB and click on Next

7-Once you have made the previous changes, Click on Setting at the top of the menu.

Click on Setting at the top of the menu

8-In the Settings Tab, select Storage, then in the Storage devices, choose Empty. on the right side, click on the optical drive, then choose the option “Choose a disk file.”

Storage->Empty->choose a disk file

9-Select the AlmaLinux file that you have downloaded in the first step, then click on Open, then click on Ok.

Select the AlmaLinux file that you have downloaded in

Run AlmaLinux on VirtualBox

10-Choose AlmaLinux on the left side of the menu to start the AlmaLinux on VirtualBox.

Choose AlmaLinux on the left side of the menu

11-After selecting that, a new tab will open, click on the first option, which is “Install AlmaLinux,” and then it will begin to install.

click on Install AlmaLinux

12- A New tab will open, you need to choose the required language for installation, then click on continue.

choose the required language for installation


13-Then a new tab will open in the System section, choose “Installation Destination” to select the virtual or physical hard drive.

choose "Installation Destination"

14-On the User Settings option, set a new Root user and passwords as well, first, you need to click on Root Password to set a password, and then you need to click on User Creation to create a user.

set a new Root user and passwords

15- Put the password you have created in the Root Password in the password section.

reenter your passwords

16-Select the Software selection to continue.

click on Software selection

17-On the Sofware Selection menu, select the option “Workstation” to activate this feature in your Base environment.

activate "Workstation"

18-You can finally click on the Begin Installation button to let the installation begin.

click on the Begin Installation button

19-Choose your Account and enter your passwords next to begin your AlmaLinux experience.

login to your almalinux account

These were all the steps you needed to successfully install AlmaLinux on VirtualBox.


AlmaLinux is a great choice for developers. However, no matter if you are an expert or a beginner, this tutorial won’t let you down. We provided the most straightforward and effortless tutorial to help you enjoy your AlmaLinux experience on VirtualBox, but feel free to ask us any upcoming questions.

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NeuronVM Content Writer

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