How to Enable SSI on cPanel Domain

How to Enable SSI on cPanel Domain

SSI is a tool that can make your website do more, it is so easy to use, but not many people are informed about it, In this guide, we will show you How to Enable SSI on cPanel domain, read on to enjoy its benefits.

How to Enable SSI on cPanel domain


SSI offers many benefits, such as changing text or pictures directly into your website files, you will be able to explore its benefits and use them after following the provided steps, for more tutorials, check out cpanel tutorials.

A Guide to Enable SSI on cPanel domain

1- For the first step of enabling SSI on cPanel domain, you should log in to your cPanel account.

login to your cPanel account2- After logging in to your account, open the file manager.

open the file manager3- For this step, find the “.htaccess” file in your website’s folder, if you couldn’t find this file, enable your hidden files to see it.

".htaccess" file in your website's folder4- Once you have found your htaccess file, right click on it and select edit, then add the following line of codes to your htaccess file.

AddType text/html .shtml
AddHandler server-parsed .shtml
Options include

5- Click on “Save Changes” to save the changes we have previously made to our file.

6-To test SSI, create a file with “.shtml” extension, then add a simple SSI command, open the file on your web browser, if you see date and time, that means your SSI is working.

After following these steps, you have easily enabled SSI on the cPanel domain, check out cPanel’s main website for other benefits it offers.

What are Server Side Includes(SSI)?

Server Side Includes are a method to change the website pages on the server before they get to be seen by visitors, it is a way to automatically add or modify parts of your website using simple commands, with using SSI you don’t always need to manually update every page when you want to make a change, for example if you are trying to edit the footer and heaer of your entire website, you will only need to change one file, after that SSI will autoomatically apply all the changes to all your pages, this will make website update so much faster and easier.

Benefits of SSI

SSI is a method to make your website more dynamic and useful for adding things like the header and the footer at once. Imagine you want to add a specific thing on every page, it will take so much time from you, but with SSI you can do all the changes using one command. By using the right commands, the server will automatically make the specific changes you want, so it makes it easy to update your site by only changing one file. It is also useful to get some information, like what kind of browser someone uses, the information of the server itself, but you need to not consider it as a full programming language, it can not do everything that a programming language like Python and PHP can do. Make sure to be careful when using it because it can make your website less secure, so while it is beneficial to use it, it needs to be used wisely.


SSI is a valuable tool for enhancing the website’s functionality on cPanel’s environment, it is also an easy tool to use, and will save so much time for you, but not many people know about it. In this guide, we showed you an ultimate guide on How to Enable SSI on cPanel domain, so you can start using it, This guide will let you change anything quickly on all the pages without needing to doing it separately on everypage by usingone command, if this tutorial was helpful for you let us knowabout it on comments.

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