Troubleshooting cpanel dnsonly doesn't work


In the troubleshooting”Cpanel dnsonly doesn’t work” topic that you are reading now. All possible problems for your system will be covered. So first, when you want to troubleshoot problems related to DNSOnly cPanel settings, you should be able to follow these steps to identify and solve the problem.

Troubleshooting "cpanel dnsonly doesn't work"

How to Fix: “cpanel dnsonly doesn’t work”

The following points are important reasons that can cause technical problems for your system. So take a look at them and try our suggestions for troubleshooting “cpanel dnsonly doesn’t working”:

1- Check DNS configuration

The first thing you should do is check your DNS configuration. For this, you must first make sure that the DNS records in the DNS zone files are configured correctly, and then you must check that the name servers are set correctly in the Name Server section so that we do not have any problems while working with the system.

2- Console Logs

Console reports are another thing that can cause the “cpanel dnsonly doesn’t work” error to appear. Therefore, to prevent and fix this problem, you should check the cPanel error logs for any message that may indicate a problem. Note that logs can be found in “/usr/local/cpanel/logs/” and “cpanel_error_log” may have some indication of problems.

3- Check Service Status

Another check that can fix your system problems is to check the service status. Ensure the DNSOnly server is running and the named service (BIND or other DNS server) is enabled. You can use the following command to activate it:

service named status

If you find that the activation of this service has not been completed yet. Use the following command to enable it:

service named start

4- Firewall Rules

Now it’s time to check the firewall rules, in which case you need to make sure that your firewall or any security configuration allows DNS traffic on port 53 (both TCP and UDP). But remember that you may need to change tables or other firewall settings to allow this traffic.

5- Check Firewall or Security Software Settings

At this stage, we recommend that you check your firewall or security software settings. Because sometimes there are security modules or software that may block DNS requests or outgoing connections.

6- Check for Updates

Sometimes bugs and problems are fixed in newer versions. That’s why it’s best to make sure your cPanel and WHM are up to date.

7- Review Domain Registrar Settings

Another action you should take in troubleshooting “cpanel dnsonly doesn’t work” is to review the domain registration settings. So the name servers should point to your DNSOnly servers. Make sure the domain registrar settings are correct.

8- Binding Configuration

Note that if you are using BIND, you need to check the named configuration file, which is usually located in “/etc/named.conf”. Because you need to ensure that the regions are defined correctly. For this you can verify your named.conf configuration.

Troubleshooting "cpanel dnsonly doesn't work"


As you can see, in this article titled troubleshooting “cpanel dnsonly doesn’t work”, we taught you how to solve problems related to cpanel dnsonly not working. So according to the mentioned steps, by systematically checking these areas, you should be able to identify your cPanel DNSOnly installation problem and take corrective measures. Otherwise, you can share the technical problems of your system with us through a comment.

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