How to Change Primary Domain on cPanel

Managing your website often requires flexibility, and changing your primary domain in cPanel is a common task, in this guide we will walk you through every step of How to Change Primary Domain on cPanel, ensuring a smooth transition for your website.
This change requires careful planning, so pay attention to follow our steps carefully, it is a crucial skill to know how to change your domain name and update your primary domain name, we will provide necessary instructions to make this change.
⚠️Warning: It is better to consider that changing your primary domain in cPanel doesn’t automatically update your website files, this can break sites, especially those who are using WordPress, backup your site first, you might need to edit your files manually.
A Guide to Change Primary Domain on cPanel
We will provide two methods for shared hosting accounts and VPS or Dedicated Server Hosting accounts, make sure to check our website to purchase your first plan.
Change Primary Domain on cPanel Using AMP
If your account is a shared account, follow these steps to change your domain using AMP.
AMP Login
Begin this tutorial by logging into your Account Management Panel, this is the initial step to access the domain management tools.
Access the Change Primary Domain Feature
After logging into your account, select the “Change Primary Domain” icon.
Review Changes
The next page will tell you what changes will happen, make sure to read and understand the details, you need to agree to the terms to keep going.
Enter New Domain
In this step, decide on the Domain you want to choose, then select “Add a Domain Name” and manually put the domain name that is not listed.
Confirm Change
Once you selected the desired domain, click the “Change Primary Domain” to apply the changes.
AMP Confirmation
You will receive an on-screen confirmation message within the AMP panel that says your domain was changed.
cPanel Verification
Log in to your cPanel account, check out the stats, you should see the new domain there.
Confirmation Email
An email will be sent to your email account, confirming the primary Domain change.
Change Primary Domain on cPanel Using WHM
If your account is a VPS or Dedicated server account, you need to follow these steps to change your primary domain on cPanel using WHM.
WHM Login
Begin the process of changing primary domain by logging into your WHM account, which requires administrator privileges on the server.
Access Listed accounts
Navigate to the “List Accounts” section which will display a list of cPanel accounts hosted on the server.
Modify Account Selection
Find the account you want to modify, click on the “+” icon next to it, then select “Modify Account,” this will open the account modification interface.
Change Primary Domain
Within the “Modify Account” interface, enter the desired new primary domain in the “Primary Domain” section.
“Save The Changes”
You need to Scroll down to the bottom of the “Modify Account” page, then click “Save” to apply the changes.
These were all the steps for both changing your primary domain on cPanel, by WHM, and AMP, select the right method for yourself by considering your account’s type, you can always check out cPanel’s main website.
In this guide, we have provided two methods to change your primary domain within cPanel, which require several steps depending on your hosting type, Regardless of the method, it’s vital to remember that cPanel’s domain change doesn’t automatically update your website files, make sure to pay attentions to the arning that we put on the biggning of the article to avoid any data loss, levae us your thoughts about this article on the comments.